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Following this webinar, participants were be able to: List sources of EMS data and recognize common obstacles related to accessing EMS data. Recall how baselines are established. Discuss how outputs and outcomes are different, and give examples of how to measure project outcomes.
Explain the benefits of data visualization techniques. Identify how the CAHMPAS can be used to help understand trends among CAHs. Have the opportunity to ask questions.
Discover staff engagement and wellness best practices for building Flex Program longevity. Identify employee satisfaction opportunities within different organization types (state government, non-profit, and university). Share innovative ways to celebrate Flex program successes.
LGH designs an innovative marketing strategy and shares suggestions for other hospitals wanting to create a marketing committee.
CDP staff is more aware of the ways they impact the financial success of the hospital. There is increased trust of the new leadership team, as well as, improved communication and problem solving.
This document outlines four performance management tools: Balanced Scorecard, Baldrige, Lean and Studer. These tools have been identified as effective methods for managing performance improvement with small rural hospitals.
View Session II of the DRCHSD Program Revenue Cycle Improvement Bootcamp to learn how to build internal capacity and staff knowledge gain that results in the implementation of clinical documentation integrity best practices.
Announcing the 2023 - 2024 selected organizations!
This document provides instructions for payment to RHCs billing under the all-inclusive rate and FQHCs billing under PPS for care coordination services provided to Medicare beneficiaries on or after January 1, 2018.
Learn key elements for SHIP evaluation of state and hospital activities. Increase awareness of best practices in SHIP grant reporting. Discover resources for SHIP performance management. Receive guidance of financial management of HRSA SHIP grants.
View presentation materials from a workshop held for state Flex Programs to provide resources for federal grant writing.
Describe issues associated with rural EMS providers that can affect their mental wellness. Recognize ways that rural EMS providers can be resilient through unpredictable circumstances. Recall ways for rural ambulance services to cultivate support to foster mental resilience. Explain how Flex Programs could support a resilient rural EMS workforce.
Describe how the use of telehealth benefits rural ambulance services. Discuss the financial considerations of telehealth for rural ambulance services when there isn’t reimbursement for it.
Relate telehealth implementation tips for rural ambulance services. Recognize support available to rural ambulance services interested in utilizing telehealth.
MMC shares their experience and outcomes from their RHPI Strategic, Financial and Operational Assessment.
Understand the importance of telehealth implementation for CAHs and discuss best practices and resources for implementation. Comprehend the scope of telehealth implementation with regards to purchasing, staffing, maintenance, reimbursement, and reporting for outpatient services for CAHs.
Participate in group sharing of ideas regarding the Quality Improvement project for this year’s Flex NCC. Hear updates regarding CMS Hospital Star Ratings and electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). Hear general MBQIP updates.
Participate in group sharing and discussion of plans and potential pain points regarding planning and implementation of the quality improvement (QI) project as outlined in your non-competing continuation (NCC). Hear general MBQIP updates.
Are you providing the best value to your organization? What expectations do C-Suite leaders have of you? Are there new experiences or training you need to maximize potential for the organization and you personally?
Learn how other state Flex programs manage and organize communications with CAHs as it relates to MBQIP, including the use of listservs, site-visits, and in-person and virtual group meetings. Engage in peer-sharing regarding other approaches to managing CAH relationships to support MBQIP implementation and success. Hear CMS Quality Program updates.
Explore the updated MBQIP Data Reports and understand how to make use of them. Review available resources to support MBQIP at the state and hospital level in the context of the results of the Annual RQITA Assessment. Discuss additional MBQIP resource and support needs and requests.