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Recognize the ROI of population health. Recall different scenarios from the Population Health Toolkit and how to use them. Discuss the purpose and benefits of the Population Health Readiness Assessment to CAHs and other safety net providers.
Identify how hospitals can use information technology tools to manage population health. Understand the important steps to implementing population health tools. Communicate the importance of population health and the importance of population health management tools as a SHIP allowable investment.
Discusses population health, its definition, fit with the Triple Aim, mechanisms to improve it and model programs.
Learn a practical approach to identifying key patient populations and a process to initiate population health planning. Learn how to integrate population health initiatives as part of an organization’s strategy.
This IDPTV Project webinar shares ways to help staff understand population health, how their work contributes, and inspire them to work together to improve the health of the population you serve.
Identified available data sources that could be compiled to create an understanding of the health status of a population. Described how a rural hospital might utilize the data to inform and implement population health activities. Recognized the value of population health information initiatives and how Flex Programs can support them.
A tool for rural hospital leaders in support of incorporating population health principles and programs into strategic planning and operations. A systems-based framework is utilized to identify critical success factors. Tools, resources, suggested readings, case studies and additional materials on how to integrate population health as culture change are also included.
This policy brief reports the newly developed taxonomy of rural places based on relevant
population and health-resource characteristics.
For population health initiatives to be successful, it is important to get understanding and buy-in from staff at all levels of the organization, including frontline as well as leadership. This requires creating messaging and education that will inspire and motivate others to join you to address population health.
This is the first podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Mini-Podcast Series. The basics of population health and social determinants of health are applicable to everyone that works in a hospital. Use these 10-minute podcasts during departmental/staff meetings or share as applicable.
Bacon County Hospital prepares for population health by focusing on growing primary care, collaborating with the community to increase access to care, revamping marketing efforts, growing the swing bed program, expanding telehealth, and embracing LEAN processes.
View the fifth session in this five-part Value-Based Care (VBC) Webinar Series which will cover best practices to work with community partners on population health initiatives.
This Flex Virtual Knowledge Group (VKG) webinar focused on population health strategies for Flex grantees.
This [31 minute] session focuses on the major steps involved when using population health management (PHM) applications, including the identification of data sources and recognizing the importance of risk identification and stratification when using data analytics to target improvement strategies.
Explore the summit report from the 2019 Rural Care Coordination and Population Health Management Summit and a short video featuring panelists from the Summit.
This is the second podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.
This virtual learning and action network will focus on helping participants understand and assess opportunities for use of technology to support the implementation of population health strategies.
This is fourth podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.
This IDPTV Project webinar shares best practices and strategies to identify partners as well as tips to engage them and sustain those partnerships.
This is final podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.