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This presentation describes rural health networks, including why networks form, the role of networks in the transition to value, and the value of networks to Flex Programs.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Arkansas.
In this analysis, we will explore how different variables at the county level, such as drug overdoses, excessive drinking, employment status, and health insurance coverage, are related to the rates of poor mental health days among the population.
Learn how to apply to become an NHSC site. NHSC-approved sites provide outpatient, primary health care services to people in Health Professional Shortages Areas. Becoming an NHSC-approved site will help you to recruit, hire, and retain clinicians.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Wyoming.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Ohio.
This policy brief reports the newly developed taxonomy of rural places based on relevant
population and health-resource characteristics.
This guide is designed to offer small rural hospitals a basic overview of the key models developed to address the transformation from volume to value-based purchasing of health care services. Recommendations and strategies for managing this shift in payment structure are also included to aid rural health providers.
Identify opportunities and mitigate challenges for rural safety net providers in the current state of health care policy and regulations with the everchanging environment
This is the first podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Mini-Podcast Series. The basics of population health and social determinants of health are applicable to everyone that works in a hospital. Use these 10-minute podcasts during departmental/staff meetings or share as applicable.
This analysis looks at how transportation options, being active, and staying healthy are related.
DRCHSD 2024 National Health Service Corps Webinar
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Washington.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Pennslyvania.