
The Center's searchable Resource Library features articles, reports, webinars, podcasts, toolkits, and other materials developed by trusted industry leaders to guide and support rural health stakeholders.
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277 results found
The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Campaign — with messages tied to the themes of “From Winded to Wonderful,” “Breathing is Easy. Until it’s Not.” and “Breathe Relief Into Your Life” — is designed to educate health care consumers and providers about services that can be easily accessed locally.
This white paper provides a menu of suggested measures for the three dimensions of the Triple Aim.
The Delta Region Community Health Systems Development (DRCHSD) Program provides comprehensive technical assistance to participating hospitals and clinics.
These documents serve as example activity templates for a network development project for Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) eligible hospitals in a state The templates are designed to be quickly modified to fit your state needs.
SHIP Allowable Investments support activities by small rural hospitals in meeting value-based care goals for their respective organizations through purchases in hardware, software, and related training.
This resource includes a list of some of the MBQIP and CAH quality reporting and improvement topics on which RQITA is available to present to various audiences upon the request of a state Flex Program.
The findings from the Rural Health Equity and Quality Summit will assist rural health leaders on their path to value-based care and alternative payment models by offering actionable steps on how to achieve rural health equity.
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This updated guide provides rural hospital executive and management teams with generally accepted best practice concepts in revenue cycle management. It is also designed to assist State Offices of Rural Health directors and Flex Program coordinators.
Strategic planning is important to the success of any program. Use these resources to help build a strategy around population health.
Resources related to Population Health: Outcomes and Impact Resources
View a guide designed to provide rural hospital leadership with information regarding the 340B Drug Pricing Program. It is also designed to assist SORH directors and Flex Program coordinators to better understand the process hospitals must follow to participate in the 340B Program.
This guide is designed to assist rural communities in navigating a change from unsustainable volunteer emergency medical services (EMS) and ambulance service models to those that are sustainable. It includes information on how to assess if a community has an EMS problem and a six-step process to implement change.
View a list of resources related to electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) reporting that is intended to aid CAHs seeking to meet the reporting requirements for the Promoting Interoperability Program, formerly the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. This list will be regularly updated to reflect new resources as they become available.
This guide and toolkit offers strategies and resources to help CAH staff organize and support efforts to implement best practices for quality improvement. It includes a number of templates and tools that can be adapted to meet individual team needs.
These podcasts compliment the one-hour webinar playback and slides. Use the first two podcasts to help educate frontline staff in meetings and trainings. The third podcast is a coaching model that leadership can use to close the loop of accountability.
This guide provides information about the current status and history of the MBQIP. It is intended to help state Flex Program personnel, and relevant subcontractors understand the basics of MBQIP, including key resources available to support them in their work.
This [30 minute] session focuses on care management technology tools that can be used to support care coordination, patient engagement, and support connections to community resources and improve health.
Empowering employees’ growth and developing their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to drive better business performance.
The extent to which employees are passionate about their work and committed to the organization (engagement) and the choice by an employee to stay with an organization instead of seeking employment elsewhere (retention).