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Participate in group sharing of ideas regarding the Quality Improvement project for this year’s Flex NCC. Hear updates regarding CMS Hospital Star Ratings and electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). Hear general MBQIP updates.
Participate in group sharing and discussion of plans and potential pain points regarding planning and implementation of the quality improvement (QI) project as outlined in your non-competing continuation (NCC). Hear general MBQIP updates.
Explore the new TASC-hosted SharePoint space and Quality Innovation Lab (QIL) email groups and understand expectations of use. Review examples of well written project plans and identify opportunities to enhance your state QI project plan. Receive instructions prior to the first round of QIL meetings. Hear general MBQIP updates.
This webinar will be an opportunity for state Flex coordinators to provide feedback to FORHP on new MBQIP quarterly reports produced by FMT.
The purpose of this webinar with BKD experts is to share critical information hospitals need to be aware of as we are rapidly approaching the COVID-19 reporting deadline. This is a brief presentation on CARES Act Reporting and Q&A on the newly released guidance.
View a summary from the National Rural HIT Coalition meeting with state and federal updates. Discussion topics included HIT updates related to telehealth, COVID-19, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Digital Health Center of Excellence, and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) programs.
The FY 2021 NCC Guidance Webinar provided guidance on the FY2021 NCC instruction template and relevant resources for the FY 2021 NCC Progress Report, which is due on February 23, 2021.
This webinar will explain this study, funded by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, on trends and disruptors of health care, creating a roadmap that will ensure health across rural Minnesota in 2030 through elevated rural health policy.
Discover staff engagement and wellness best practices for building Flex Program longevity. Identify employee satisfaction opportunities within different organization types (state government, non-profit, and university). Share innovative ways to celebrate Flex program successes.
The first session of the Revenue Cycle Improvement webinar series, CMS 2021 Coding Updates, provided updates to the 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule regarding telehealth, E&M documentation and code changes, fee-for-service reimbursement impact, and RHC service expansion.
The second session of the Revenue Cycle Improvement webinar series, Telehealth Coding and Billing to Maximize Reimbursement, provides an overview of coding, billing and reimbursement updates for telehealth and virtual communication services in CY2021.
The last session of the Revenue Cycle Improvement webinar series, Front-end Revenue Cycle Improvement: Patient Registration, will review best practice patient registration and pre-arrival strategies, and discuss KPIs used to measure and benchmark registration performance.
The third session of the Revenue Cycle Improvement webinar series, Charge Capture Improvement and Best Practices, will provide an overview of charge capture opportunities.
With the changes and transitions in today’s health care environment, it's an important time for rural health care leaders to engage stakeholders in collaborative efforts. This presentation suggests two key ways to enable people to take on new behaviors and offers specific ways to help leaders succeed in truly engaging stakeholders.
Addresses rural veteran's specific needs and provides a framework for care coordination models created for rural veterans.
The purpose of this manual is to help applicants prepare for and write a federal grant proposal. It covers the basics of looking at what a grant is and if the applicant is qualified and then delves deeper into the art of grant writing. It also includes information on project sustainability and how to evaluate the project.
A tool for rural hospital leaders in support of incorporating population health principles and programs into strategic planning and operations. A systems-based framework is utilized to identify critical success factors. Tools, resources, suggested readings, case studies and additional materials on how to integrate population health as culture change are also included.
This guide is designed to offer small rural hospitals a basic overview of the key models developed to address the transformation from volume to value-based purchasing of health care services. Recommendations and strategies for managing this shift in payment structure are also included to aid rural health providers.
This guide discusses the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes, outlines steps for health care organizations to prepare for the transition, recommends staff training areas and provides additional resources on ICD-10.
This guide provides an overview of the five key concepts of Lean thinking as well as steps that should be implemented to create the ideal Lean system and Lean resources for health care organizations.