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Center Staff

Angie LaFlamme

Lead Program Specialist
This SHIP Technical Assistance (TA) Webinar will focus on innovative and successful approaches to delivering mass education and training implemented by the Indiana State Office of Rural Health, and the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine.
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) State Grantees can find details on how to apply for and administer SHIP funds, as well as templates for reporting.
Join us to explore how we can optimize resources among Flex, SHIP, and the Delta Region Community Health Systems Development Program. We'll delve into the purpose of each program and discuss strategies for effective coordination and communication to best serve our rural communities!
The Flex Program Forum is for content related to the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program and rural health care.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Michigan.
Program Manager
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Nevada.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Hawaii.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Vermont.
See this profile to learn about the SHIP and Flex Program in Florida.
The purpose of this event was to inform Flex Grantees about new rurally relevant EMS quality measures that resulted from a Flex-funded EMS supplement project.
This guide provides an overview of the five key concepts of Lean thinking as well as steps that should be implemented to create the ideal Lean system and Lean resources for health care organizations.
This guide is designed to offer small rural hospitals a basic overview of the key models developed to address the transformation from volume to value-based purchasing of health care services. Recommendations and strategies for managing this shift in payment structure are also included to aid rural health providers.
This guide discusses the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes, outlines steps for health care organizations to prepare for the transition, recommends staff training areas and provides additional resources on ICD-10.
Monroe County Hospital completed a Quality of Care and Transition of Care SHRT Project in 2016. Read about their progress on this project.
In this guide, subject matter experts in rural health recommend a systems-based framework to translate HCAHPS data into patient and employee satisfaction. The guide documents HCAHPS processes and outcomes from two small rural hospitals that have been successfully utilizing HCAHPS data to drive patient and employee satisfaction.
During their year-long engagement in RHPTP, Coteau des Prairie Health Care System (CDP Health Care) worked with RHPTP’s technical assistance (TA) consultants on financial and operational improvements, to develop a strategy and infrastructure to embed quality improvement into practice. Read more about CDP's top accomplishments and early outcomes made possible through their RHPTP participation.