
The Center's searchable Resource Library features articles, reports, webinars, podcasts, toolkits, and other materials developed by trusted industry leaders to guide and support rural health stakeholders.
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277 results found
Resources related to Population Health: Workforce and Culture Resources
Resources related to Population Health: Outcomes and Impact Resources
Program evaluation relies on data and analysis. Data management is essential to the success of your population's health efforts.
Strategic planning is important to the success of any program. Use these resources to help build a strategy around population health.
Leaders play a central role in setting values and directions. Use these resources to help develop leadership and planning for your organization.
Resources related to Population Health: Quality, Operations, and Processes Resources
With the support of the Minnesota Department of Health Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, Rural Health Innovations cordially invites you to participate in the 2024 Minnesota Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Board Training on Engagement, Leadership, and Population Health training. This training is open to all CAHs in the state of Minnesota. Participants should represent Minnesota CAH CEO’s, Board of Directors, and governing boards.
These resources focus on quality improvement for hospital services and structural processes, including the MBQIP Measures under this domain.
Equip participants with comprehensive knowledge and insights on population health and its significance in hospital operations and community engagement, ensuring they can effectively guide and make informed decisions in rural health care.

Speaker: Tracy Morton, Director of Population Health, National Rural Health Resource Center
Equip participants with comprehensive knowledge and insights on population health and its significance in hospital operations and community engagement, ensuring they can effectively guide and make informed decisions in rural health care.

Speaker: Stratis Health 
Equip participants with comprehensive knowledge and insights on population health and its significance in hospital operations and community engagement, ensuring they can effectively guide and make informed decisions in rural health care.

Speaker: Stratis Health
Equip participants with comprehensive knowledge and insights on population health and its significance in hospital operations and community engagement, ensuring they can effectively guide and make informed decisions in rural health care.

Speaker: Brock Slabach, Chief Operations Officer, National Rural Health Association
View a list of resources related to electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) reporting that is intended to aid CAHs seeking to meet the reporting requirements for the Promoting Interoperability Program, formerly the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. This list will be regularly updated to reflect new resources as they become available.
The Flex Program Area Logic Models are intended to provide guidance on the major Flex program areas of Quality Improvement, Financial & Operational Improvement, Population Health Improvement, and Rural Emergency Medical Services Improvement. These logic models are intended to help design activities and potential evaluation measures within each program area.
This video provides board of directors, leaders, and physicians a basis to understand what a corporate compliance program is and why the seven elements are important to include in a hospital’s corporate compliance program.
This video discusses the board of directors’ role in financial stewardship for an organization. You’ll learn about key financial issues board of directors’ face and hear some best practices and tips on how you can improve financial stewardship in your organization.
This video defines and describes health equity and how it can be addressed within rural communities. Boards and senior leaders will gain a better understanding of the unique strengths and challenges rural communities experience in addressing health equity, the social influencers of health, and discover ways hospitals can advance health equity, including what tools, resources, and systems might be employed and engaged.
This video discusses the importance of board engagement in the physician-driven activities within its organization and provides practical approaches and methods for engagement with management (and physicians). Board members and senior leaders will gain a better understanding of How physicians can drive strategy, How to govern the risk associated with physician contracts, and The importance of ‘leaning-in’ on the numbers related to provider arrangements.


Identifying and soliciting individuals — either from within or outside the organization — to fill job vacancies or staff for growth.