
The Center's searchable Resource Library features articles, reports, webinars, podcasts, toolkits, and other materials developed by trusted industry leaders to guide and support rural health stakeholders.
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273 results found
This second module will help CAH boards understand their role in creating and communicating the vision. Learn the importance of systems thinking and how to incorporate the vision into planning, decisions, and interactions.

This third module will help CAH boards understand their role in creating and communicating the vision. Learn the importance of systems thinking and how to incorporate the vision into planning, decisions, and interactions.

This third module will help you understand the role that communication plays. Learn strategies for communicating across audiences and creating compelling messages.
This fifth module will help you understand the importance of identifying the skills and knowledge of your workforce and senior leadership need to have in order to achieve your organization’s vision.
This fifth module will build on the ideas from previous videos to look at how the board directs others toward your vision by creating a culture of accountability and feedback.
This session of the 2020 Flex Program Virtual Reverse Site Visit (RSV) featured four small group discussions where participants shared their challenges and strategies to managing the state Flex Program during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Identify opportunities and mitigate challenges for rural safety net providers in the current state of health care policy and regulations with the everchanging environment
This final session of the 2020 Reverse Site Visit featured the Calico Quality Leadership Award presentation as well as closing remarks from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy.
Explore the findings from the 2020 Rural Behavioral Health Care Coordination Summit. The report offers tips on how to maximize available resources and new technology to improve efficiency in care management and transitions of care. It identifies some of the greatest barriers to care coordination and focuses on four areas of opportunity for addressing them.
This report provides background on the importance of Post-Acute Care (PAC), the process used to gather Summit findings, comprehensive lists of identified strategies and tactics to address high priority rural PAC issues, discussion notes on how state Flex Programs can help rural providers address PAC, a collection of PAC best practices from the field, a Summit participant list, and more.
This Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) Pricing Transparency Guide aims to support SHIP Coordinators, along with their hospitals and local partners, to navigate the Price Transparency Rule of November 15, 2019.
This toolkit from the CDC Foundation aims to ensure that public health agencies and officials are equipped to communicate important information about the COVID-19 pandemic and help individuals understand steps they can take to address this public health emergency and slow the spread of the virus throughout the United States.
View a five-part webinar series that provides staff development on revenue cycle best practices to support performance improvements with front and back end revenue cycle processes as demonstrated by increased cash collection, improved charge capture, and a reduction in denials.
The “Healthcare You Can Believe In” campaign focuses on the patient experience and the important balance between trust and care that helps to solidify the place of smaller health care systems in their communities — as they combine a personal connection with compassionate care.
The “Take Your Health in the Right Direction” campaign encourages patients to be advocates for their own health. By using supporting information and statistics to reinforce what could happen if regular appointments are missed or skipped, the campaign's audience is educated — and hopefully encouraged — to be more active in these important preventative health appointments that could save their lives.
The “Anywhere Care” campaign makes use of the word "virtually" in two different ways: referring to a real-time, remote meeting that's often considered "virtual" and as an adverb, speaking to the nearly limitless locations patients can choose from when they access care via telehealth.
The “Between Healing and Home” campaign highlights the additional recovery time that swing bed/transitional care services provide patients and notes that, even though it’s an extra step, the additional care can actually shorten recovery time.
2021 Value-Based Care (VBC) webinar series will provide hospital and clinic teams with education regarding the transition to VBC.
2021 DRCHSD Patient Experience Webinar series focuses on improving and maintaining an excellent patient experience
This is the first podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Mini-Podcast Series. The basics of population health and social determinants of health are applicable to everyone that works in a hospital. Use these 10-minute podcasts during departmental/staff meetings or share as applicable.