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This Flex Virtual Knowledge Group webinar included the benefits of wellness and resiliency activities to integrate into the routine of Flex Program Partners; TASC, Flex Monitoring Team (FMT), and RQITA.
This Flex Virtual Knowledge Group (VKG) webinar is focused on integrating strategic planning processes into Flex Programs.
This Flex Virtual Knowledge Group webinar included break-out rooms for Flex Coordinators to ask Program Area questions they may have of the Flex Program Partners; TASC, Flex Monitoring Team (FMT), and RQITA
This Flex Virtual Knowledge Group (VKG) webinar focused on subcontract management for Flex grantees.
The March Virtual Knowledge Group (VKG) covered program management through a finance lens and addressed such topics as implementing programs at the hospital level, finances post-public health emergency (PHE), and workforce challenges.
Engage and network with other state Flex Programs. Participate in a shared discussion about things that make working in rural health care special. Share the importance of fulfillment from our work in rural health care, especially during times of stress, change, and uncertainty.
Explain the benefits of data visualization techniques. Identify how the CAHMPAS can be used to help understand trends among CAHs. Have the opportunity to ask questions.
Identify promising practices other state Flex programs have implemented in their states. Recognize activities state Flex programs can support to ensure critical access hospitals (CAHs) in their state are prepared for the transition to value-based payment models. Develop next steps needed to implement programs and services related to building capacity towards population health.
This Flex Virtual Knowlege Group webinar focused on an engaging networking opportunity with content focused on "What does working in rural health care mean to you? Why is it important? What are our hopes for the future of rural health care?"
Identify current issues facing RHCs. Identify opportunities for Flex Programs to help support efforts related to provider-based RHCs. Pinpoint where to find resources to support state Flex Program activities with provider-based RHCs.
Identify contract management best practices and tips they can use for their Flex Program subcontracts or managing the life cycle of their QI project. Recognize how other Flex Coordinators troubleshoot contract management issues to improve office efficiencies and project outcomes.
Identify examples of non-traditional partnerships that can be beneficial in for state Flex programs. Discuss how to establish partnerships within state Flex program work. Recognize the value of seeking out other partnerships in your state and its positive impact on your state Flex program initiatives.
Describe the financial and quality impacts of rural hospital and clinic telehealth use. Express market protection concerns for rural hospitals from non-traditional competitors with broad increased use and acceptance of telehealth. Recognize enhanced access to health care for rural patients. Recognize the benefits of telehealth use in value-based payment models.
Recall peer Flex Program experiences with telehealth initiatives
Recall peer Flex Program experiences with telehealth initiatives
Understand the HHS carryover process and necessary steps required. Hear from Flex programs that have utilized carryover Flex funds. Hear examples of Flex programs shifting activities to avoid the carryover process.
Discover staff engagement and wellness best practices for building Flex Program longevity. Identify employee satisfaction opportunities within different organization types (state government, non-profit, and university). Share innovative ways to celebrate Flex program successes.
Describe the importance of telehealth practices for rural hospitals. Discuss how to improve telehealth in your hospital through Flex Program initiatives.
Gain insights on mental and behavioral health initiatives for critical access hospitals, and learn what other Flex Programs are doing to address mental and behavioral health.